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Vol. 5. Issue 1.
Pages 67-73 (January - February 1999)
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Vol. 5. Issue 1.
Pages 67-73 (January - February 1999)
Open Access
Factores de ordem social, económica e cultural da DPOC em internamento hospitalar
Social, economic and cultural agents in admission for COPD
João Baldaia*
* Assistente Social do Serviço de Pneumologia do Hospital S. João do Porto (Director: Prof. J. Agostinho Marques)
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De acordo com a European Respiratory Society (ERS) a incidência, morbilidade e mortalidade por Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC) estão a aumentar, mas variam largamente entre paises.

Em Portugal, e nos últimos a nos, tem-se verificado urn aumento significativo dos doentes internados com DPOC, e é previsivel um aumento generalizado do numero destes doentes.

Neste estudo aplicamos um protocolo a todos os doentes internados com DPOC, correspondentes a 76 casos novos de internamento no Serviço de Pneumologia do H.S.João no período decorrido entre 18 de Novembro de 1996 e 18 de Novembro de 1997.

Procurou-se traçar o perfil social, profissional, cultural e hábitos tabágicos da população, predominantemente do sexo masculino (84.2%), com idade média de 61 anos e todos de raça caucasian. Mais de 2/3 apenas completou o ensino basico, 76.3% pertencia à classe IV e V da Classificação Social de Graffar, e mais de 2/3 tinha relação com o operariado especializado e semi-especializado. 77% fumava e/ou tinha abandonado o consumo de tabaco e quase metade fazia oxigenoterapia no domicílio.

Salientámos a elevada incidência de precaridade economica (52.1 %), que associada a historia de alcoolismo, constituia 65% das problematicas associadas.

Por último, refere-se a necessidae crescente de uma estrutura integrada de assistência respiratória domiciliária em Portugal.

REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (1): 67-73

factores sociais
Assistência domiciliária
Serviço Social

According the European Respiratory Society (ERS) the incidence, morbidity and mortality for Chronic Obstrutive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) they are to increase, but their variability is enormous among countries.

In Portugal, and in the last years, a significant increase of patients admitted with COPD bas been verified, and it is previsible a generalized increase of the number of these patients.

In this study we applied a protocol to a patients interned with COPD, corresponding to 76 new cases of admissions in the Pneumology ward of Saint John Hospital in the period between November 18, 1996 and November 18, 1997.

We tried to delineate the social, professional, cultural profile and smoking habits of the population, predominantly of the male sex (84.2%), with the average age of 61 years old and all of caucasian race. More than 2/3 hardly completed the primary school, 76.3% belonged to class IV and V of the Social Classification of Graffar, and more than 2/3 had connection with the specialized and semispecialized working classes. 77.6% smoked and/or had abandoned tobacco smoke and almost half were on oxigenoterapy at home.

We pointed out the high incidence of precarious economic status (52.1%), that associated to the history of alcoholism, it constituted 65% of the associated problems.

At last, the growing necessity of a integrated trucrure for respiratory home care in Portugal is referred.

REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (1): 67-73

Social agents
Home care
Social Work
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