They say ev’rything can be replaced
Yet ev’ry distance is not near
So I remember ev’ry face
Of ev’ry man who put me here
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
They say ev’ry man needs protection
They say ev’ry man must fall
Yet I swear I see my reflection
Some place so high above this wall
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
Standing next to me in this lonely crowd
Is a man who swears he's not to blame
All day long I hear him shout so loud
Crying out that he was framed
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
Bob Dylan 1967
After a little more than 3 enjoyable years as Editor in Chief of the Portuguese Journal of Pulmonology (PJP) it is time to say farewell. They were challenging times, but it is time for me to move for another adventure and support the transition to a new Editor.
As I prepare this farewell note, the lyrics of the song I shall be released’ by Bob Dylan resonate in my mind...
Looking back, it hardly seems possible that the years have passed so quickly! I guess the words of Bob Dylan are again true. It is time for the: “Changing of the Guards”!
In my inaugural editorial in May 2010 I forecasted a new era for the PJP. Increase the visibility of Portuguese Pulmonology, a new organization of the Journal, Thematic Series, strong support of public expression of opinion post-publication (through letters to the editor) were some of the changes. Did we succeed? I hope that the future will answer! We wrote 12 Editorials explaining some of the Journal's policies and ideas.
Once again I wish to address my gratitude to the members of the Editorial Council, thematic editors and the external reviewers.
In the past 3 years I have read hundreds of manuscripts, from across the world, published 17 issues of the Journal, 10 supplements and more than 1200 pages of text.
The success of a journal is determined by many factors: editorial board members who serve as peer reviewers; staff who copyedit and manage the flow of manuscripts and keep to deadlines…
There are many people who deserve special mention for their “behind-the-scenes” work on the Journal, but two among them deserve special mention: Jessica Jones served as our linguistic consultant. Her job was absolutely outstanding! Anabela Amaral from Elsevier has served as Journal Manager. She has been responsible for the daily management of manuscripts, organization of issues, etc. Thank you, Anabela.
António Morais has been an essential member of the editorial team who has been with me through all of our enjoyable efforts and difficult transitions these past 3 years, including the institution of our electronic manuscript submission and peer review system. My most profound admiration for him!
Unless one has served on the PJP Editorial Board, it is difficult to appreciate the amount of time and energy that each member of the Board has devoted to the success of the Journal. As I step down, I take pride in knowing that PJP impact factor is predicted to rise this year and I expect also the year following.
Beginning from the issue n° 3 of 2013, the new Editor-in-Chief, will take over the editorial duties…I wish him the best of luck!
I see this new phase of the journal as a new opportunity. The change is always good…New ideas for the journal, new activities. The new Editor will have the great challenge to attract high quality manuscripts to increase even more the PJP profile, to maintain the credibility of the journal and also should increase the satisfaction of readers. I had to deal with only two ethical conflicts and the highest point of my editorship was the occasion of the Impact Factor. One last surprise was the recent quotation of one article of the PJP from one of the iconic researchers like Prof Douglas G. Altman in PLoS ONE.1 It is for this that a journal should exist!
I look forward to the Future of the PJP. As I say farewell, Bob Dylan sings: “I shall be released”
Please cite this article as: Winck, JC. O editor e Bob Dylan. Eu digo: Adeus. Ele canta «I Shall be released»… Rev Port Pneumol. 2013.