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Vol. 1. Issue 3.
Pages 247-260 (May - June 1995)
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Vol. 1. Issue 3.
Pages 247-260 (May - June 1995)
Open Access
Bronquiectasias: etiopatogenia, clínica, métodos de diagnóstico eterapêutica
Lurdes Ferrrira*, Isabel Gomes**
* IntemaComplementar de Pneumologta
** Assitstente de Pneumologia
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Os autores apresentam uma revisão do tema bronquiectasias, em que procuraram abordar aspectos relacionados com a sua patogenia, classificação, clínica, diagnóstico e terapêutica.


The authors review several aspects related to bronchiectasis, namely their pathogenesis, classification, clinical presentation, diagnosis and therapy.

Clinical presentation
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