It has been more than 2 years since we have published our first Editorial in the Portuguese Journal of Pulmonology describing the changes we wanted to implement.1 The journal has evolved but did it manage to contribute to the dissemination of new knowledge, delineating new pathways of research and improvement of the practice of Respiratory Medicine? We have the confidence that we have published good science that, we expect, will contribute in the future for the increase in the raking of the PJP among the international journals. What did our readers mostly enjoy? What do we need to change?
Although we have tried to stimulate some interaction we wish we could have increased the debate!
The journal's website at has made this interaction easier. The inclusion of a new feature called “Images in Respiratory Medicine” at should have encouraged the participation of all! So why do we still see no signs? Were we too ambitious? Maybe it is time for a new Editorial change! Perhaps the philosophy behind the journal should be to increase the community of readers by transforming it from a regional to a truly International Journal! The Portuguese Society of Pulmonology should discuss this in the next future and eventually make an international call for candidates for the position of Editor in Chief. That has been successfully implemented in other societies like The Clinical Respiratory Journal, the official journal of the Nordic Respiratory Academy (Danish Society of Respiratory Medicine, Icelandic Respiratory Society, Norwegian Respiratory Society, Swedish Respiratory Society, Finnish Respiratory Society) or Respiration the official journal of the Swiss Society for Pneumology) and also home to the European Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology.
To make closer our interaction with Brazil, soon we will start a joint-venture with the Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology, called “The Luso-Brazilian Lung focus” where authors from Portugal and Brazil will write an article about research areas relevant to both countries.
In this numberIn the current number we continue to publish the “New perspectives in Pulmonology”, with two international key opinion-leaders analyzing the emerging topic of “Prolonged mechanical ventilation: new facilities and new models of care”.2,3 The president of the Portuguese Society of Pulmonology addresses the important issue of the National program for respiratory diseases recently approved by the General Health Directorate.4
Although we are living in a time of difficult challenges we should all join forces because “Gardens are not made by sitting in the shade”.
Please cite this article as: Winck JC, Morais A. Evolução do papel da Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia: «Os jardins não são feitos para nos sentarmos à sombra». Rev Port Pneumol. 2012.