Figure 1 Patient with post-polio syndrome (10% of vital capacity) using continuous noninvasive volume cycled ventilation through a 15mm angled mouthpiece, during an airplane flight from Porto to Barcelona. There were no complications during the flight, the patient felt very secure and enjoyed very much the opportunity to travel by plane. A good example of quality of life, even with severe ventilatory dependence.
Right to privacy and consent in writing
The copyright holder of this photograph is the author, M.R. Gonçalves, who declares to have received written consent from the patient shown on the photo and is in possession of this signed document that indicates the patient's agreement to the publication of the same.
Please cite this article as: Gonçalves MR. O céu é o limite…!!! Rev Port Pneumol. 2011. doi:10.1016/j.rppneu.2011.06.013.